Our Vision

To be the first choice data and records management service provider in Zimbabwe and beyond in this 4th industrial revolution era.

Discover More
Records Management

Payslip is one of the most crucial record or proof of employment and one’s contribution towards their social security pension fund. Most pensioners are always found in need of lost Payslip of more than 10years contribution.

NSSA Registration

We provide employment registration to the NSSA database for both idviduals and corperations. To check if you are registered with NSSA click here and be redirected to our state of the art self-service whatsapp chatbot.

NSSA Pension Application

Life pension application is one of the most time consuming and long processes that most old aged pensioners face once they retire.PRMB offers convenient service of applying for employee’s life pensions to all pensioners.

Team Training

We offer training services to individuals and corporations. That is why we are the first choice for any corporation looking to train their employees in NSSA taxation calculations and implementations for payroll purposes.


Let’s discuss about your future

You can call us on 0778839572 or send us a whatsapp message on 0778839572 and we will call you back. Our dedicated team of professionals will walk you through our policies regarding how we will keep your records safe and make sure you get fully compensated when you retire. In case of your untimely demise we will make sure your loved ones face no challenges in collected your pension funds.

We can help you to register with NSSA

Most people in Zimbabwe are not formally employed and so have never been registered in the NSSA database. We at Pilon Records Management Bureau make the process as easy as clicking a few buttons. Click here to use our whatsapp chatbot to check if you are registered with NSSA and to register if you are not. For organisations look to do mass registration contact us on 0778839572


Our Values

To provide excellent, efficient, and reliable data and records management to our customers using simple modern technologies that ensures that crucial business data and records are managed efficiently and are creating various sources of value to our clients.

Pricing Plans

Below are our pricing tiers and the services offered along with it

NSSA Personal Statement Generation

$ 5 Annual

NSSA Personal Portal Updates

$ 15 Annual

Company Zimra Self Service TaRMS Registration

$ 100 Annual

Company NSSA Portal Management

$ 100 Annual

Latest News & Events

POTRAZ National Data Protection Act

7 months ago

A new form of COMPLIANCE has been introduced to market by the Government of Zimbabwe. Government through the National Data Protection Act has Appointed POTRAZ as the National Data Protection Authority. Under this Act all companies in Zimbabwe are mandated to register, comply and be LICENSED with the Data Protection Authority (POTRAZ) as well as comply with its rules and regulations as stipulated by the Act. Failure to comply will result in heavy fines and possible prosecution, as indicated in the Act. Join us and POTRAZ as we breakdown this new act, its purpose and mandates in an online Webinar on 09 Feb 2024. Payroll Administrators, HR Practitioners, Finance and Accounting Personnel, Public Accountants, Consultants and any interested individuals are highly recommended to attend

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Working Hours

Mon - Fri (08:00 - 17:00)


8, Gloucester Eastlea,
Harare, Zimbabwe

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